
Neuro Semantics Module 2/3

Learning the basics of Neuro-Semantics

(2nd module towards becoming a Meta-Coach)

This module is necessary to follow the Meta-Coaching training course if you are not an NLP practitioner or Master Practitioner.

The next Neuro-Semantics module: 6-7-8-9th February

You will learn:

The Neuro-Semantics Communication Model, and other techniques, such as:

Technique: Personal Power
Self-mastery, proactivity, getting out the victim attitude

Technique: Meta-Stating Self Esteem
Accepting oneself, appreciating oneself, having self-esteem for oneself, getting out of the being/doing confusion

Technique: How to confirm or decommission a belief
Changing one’s limiting beliefs and negative thoughts

Technique: Meta-Stating New Concepts
Knowing how to choose ideas that help us live better, and integrating them

Technique: Meta-Stating Troubling Emotions
Knowing how to eliminate fears and anxieties

Technique: Mind to Muscle
Knowing how to put ideas into action

Technique: Knowing how to Generate Motivation using Intentionality
Knowing how to find the motivation within us to get out of bed in the morning

Technique: Excuses Blow-Out
Knowing how to move towards an objective without procrastinating

Technique: Meta-Stating Personal Genius
Knowing how to use 100% of one’s potential, focus and concentration

This training will allow you to discover the Neuro-Semantic models::

  • The Meta-States Model which maps our reflexivity and describes how we place states upon states.
  • The Mind Lines Model for reframing a conversation
  • The Frame Game Model which allows one to diagnose, understand and work with states and behaviours, as if these were ‘games’ conducted and shaped by ‘frames’ or other ‘rules’.
  • The Matrix Model which specifies and describes the 7 matrices as diagnostic and modeling tools.
  • The Axes of Change Model which maps the process of change and transformation.

Prochain module du 6-7-8-9 Février

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